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Helpful Tips For Selecting A Camping Toilet

Camping is all about becoming one with nature. However, to have a good time, access to certain indoor luxuries is also important, such as access to a toilet. A camping toilet allows for the best of both worlds, in that you have access to a clean, comfortable place to relieve yourself without giving up on the outdoor camping experience. To find the best option for your needs, learn more about some of the things to look for. 


Begin the decision-making process by assessing how the toilet will be used. Sure, the toilet will be used as a portable solution, but to what extent? Many camping sites offer restroom facilities across the grounds. As a result, some campers choose to rely on these facilities for solid waste and use their toilet for everything else. 

Should you decide on this scenario, it might not be necessary to invest in a toilet that is sealed. However, if solid waste will be placed in the toilet a seal is important to contain the odors and ensure proper hygiene. 


It is also important to consider how many will be traveling in your party. A couple might not need nearly as much capacity as a family or other large group. Although the camping toilet will need to be emptied periodically, the smaller the capacity of the unit, the more frequently it will need to be emptied, especially if multiple people are using it. 

If you are traveling with family and young children are included in the group, a large-capacity toilet is typically best. Additionally, how close you are to the campground's chemical disposal site is also important. If it is close, you can probably empty the toilet more often, but if it is far, it might not be as easy, so a larger capacity toilet may be best. 


Another deciding factor to consider should be what features you want the portable toilet to have. For example, some of these toilets are available with a flushing feature. Flushing units are often costlier, larger, and come equipped with filtering systems that essentially filter waste from the main bowel into a storage unit. 

Another feature is the seat option. All toilets come equipped with a seat, but some seats are both larger and plusher, which can increase comfort. For this reason, if you go camping often, it might be worth it to invest in a unit with a comfortable seat.

Keep all these tips in mind as you select the right toilet for your next camping adventure. Reach out to a camping toilet supplier to learn more.